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This site is a forum for the introduction and discussion of ideas regarding the use of vibration, frequency, sound and music as a non-invasive modality for healing on the physical plane as well as expanding consciousness and furthering our connection to the psychospiritual realms.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Me n' Mercury

Wow! Crazy two days! Today was the RI Cancer Summit in Warwick, RI and tomorrow I leave for the Catskills for a four-day workshop on Sound and Dreams with two of my favorite teachers, John Beaulieu and Silvia Nakkach.

The day before yesterday I was reading an article on Mercury retrograde because I was actually wondering as we get further into it if the bizarre effects of it are cumulative! This is the article I was reading which I found pretty fascinating. Click on the title to get to the link.
~Mercury Retrograde and What it Means for You~

Honestly I don't even remember what was happening that made me curious- that was two long days ago! Yesterday things were pretty smooth until I got home and my car suddenly smelled weird and smoky and when I checked under the hood there was no oil whatsoever on the dipstick. I talked to my "car guy" and was going to drive a mile up the road to the gas station and get some oil but as soon as I got out the driveway I thought "Nope"- bad sound and bad smell- so a friend came over and put 3 quarts in it. Meanwhile I was freaked out because I had to get up to Warwick today and drive to the Catskills tomorrow.

I don't need to go into all the details but, over the course of the evening, after I had been telling my son Nic earlier in the day about the whole Mercury retrograde thing, he calls to tell me how he had picked up a really cool antique barometer/thermometer that he thought he could sell and suddenly realized it was leaking mercury all over his floor and had to clean up the spill (a relatively small amount), throw out his clothes, fumigate the house, etc. Not so cool.

Next event... today my dear son saves the day by picking me up and bringing me to Warwick to the Cancer Summit, since I suddenly had no way to get there. I got there and somehow there had been a lapse in communication (Mercury again? Rules communication...) They didn't have me on the roster, no table for me (although they let me set up at an empty one) and apparently (though it turned out not be true) no information on sound healing other than what I had brought myself. Ugh- I was so embarrassed- not to mention that they said that exhibitors were supposed to be set up by 7 a.m. and it was now after 10! I had never received any information from Women & Infants and knew nothing other than being told that it didn't really matter when I got there.

So everyone else had these nice fancy tables set up with banners and loads of information and there I was with my instruments and no space to do demos (and an unsolved problem about what was up with my car and how I was going to get up to the Catskills tomorrow) feeling very out of place.

In the end it all worked out. The other people from the Integrative Care Program had some extra information that I was able to put on my table and we found under some other flyers that in fact they had provided for me about my sound healing services. Turned out I had a great day, connected with some wonderful people and the woman who heads up the event for Women & Infants said that next year she would like me to do a breakout session. So that was very exciting.

After that whole thing Nic brought me back home and we got my car over to Pat, my car guy. He determined that the issue is a pulley for the water pump and a pretty easy fix. He can have it done first thing in the morning so I should be good to go! (Hopefully there are no other surprises under the hood.)

Mercury goes direct tomorrow and life is good!

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