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This site is a forum for the introduction and discussion of ideas regarding the use of vibration, frequency, sound and music as a non-invasive modality for healing on the physical plane as well as expanding consciousness and furthering our connection to the psychospiritual realms.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Tuning Into A Tune (You Can Relax Now)

I had a pretty wild thing happen today. I was driving to a friend's 70th birthday celebration and this song came into my head. I used to use it a lot in sound healing sessions, usually at the end of a treatment, but the CD eventually got too worn and I never replaced it.

Today, as I was driving to my friend's party and thinking about singing a song to her, this song suddenly came to me. I haven't thought of it in a very long time. I had to focus to bring it forward but suddenly I started singing it and all the words and melody came back to me. I was a little surprised because I had only ever sung it along with the CD but it was always one of my favorite songs. It was so nice to have it enter my mind that way and I sung it a few times through. It was about 1:45 pm.

When I got to the party I sang a different song, a birthday song that I always love to sing on the celebration day of the birth of those whom I love. I had totally forgotten about the Shaina Noll song by that time. It was just sort of a sweet passing pleasure that came and went.

A couple of hours later I was driving home and a dear friend called me from the Berkshires to wish me well on my trip to Holland. Then she said, "Rosie, do you remember that song that went... Something about 'You can relax now... Breathe deeply... You are a child of god.'?" "Yes!" I exclaimed. "Why are you asking me this?" She said "Well, I went to a funeral today and they played that song and it made me think of you." I said, "Lynda, I was singing this song just a couple of hours ago- it came into my mind out of the blue and I sang the whole thing through." Then I asked her what time it was that they were singing it. I told her it was about 1:45 when I was singing it. She said, "That's exactly when it was- 1:45. The funeral started at 1 pm and they played that song at the very end- it was 1:45." Honestly, I don't even know what to think about that. As Eric Burdon said so fittingly in his unforgettable voice back in 1970, "This really blew my mind." (Spill the Wine)
Sleeping child of God, my granddaughter Patience- photo by Kim Whaley


  1. Replies
    1. Still blown away when I think about it- and the song has stayed with me throughout the day today. Such a sweet song.
