Welcome to Wholistic Sound!

HELLO AND WELCOME- WE HAVE MOVED!!! Our new website, complete with blog and updated events, is located at: www.wholisticsound.com
Please visit!!!

This site is a forum for the introduction and discussion of ideas regarding the use of vibration, frequency, sound and music as a non-invasive modality for healing on the physical plane as well as expanding consciousness and furthering our connection to the psychospiritual realms.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Across the Radar

It has taken me all day to get to this as I had another writing project (unfortunately personal, not work related) that I had to complete on. I feel so grateful to work in a field that I love, that of healing and in particular healing with sound. I could pretty much write about that all day.

From the moment I woke up today I was thinking about sound and blogging and what I wanted to write about it. Here are just a few of the things that crossed my radar.

The sound of silence... What is that like for you? Have you ever in fact experienced total silence? When it gets very quiet I hear a very faint (and sometimes not so faint) internal sort of "white noise" that has a crystalline kind of a quality to it. There are variations in frequency- sometimes more like whooshing, sometimes higher frequencies like insects, sometimes lower humming tones. Good fuel for meditation, listening deeply and allowing your being to sink into the sound.

Bjork and the extraordinary things she can do with her voice... There was an article about her in the Sunday New York Times which reminded me that I need to revisit her work again. This is a very cool track from her most recent album.
Dame Evelyn Glennie... deaf percussionist with an extraordinarily fine-tuned sense of hearing- she has lost her auditory faculty so she hears with the rest of her body.

Wholistic Sound healing retreats... individualized sound healing retreats that I am offering at my new location in Tiverton, Rhode Island. One person or one couple at a time.

Vibroacoustic sound therapy... experiencing music with your whole body- a cellular musical massage either in a Somatron recliner, the Athena sound table, or the Soundweaver- a Somatron vibroacoustic mat on a massage table surrounded by a large copper dodecahedron. There are many other vibroacoustic sound environments as well, such as the Genesis, the Betar and the Innerdimensional Sound Chamber, all based on the same premise. The music is not only heard, it is felt throughout the entire body. One of my primary forms of therapy. Lots to say about that!

Chanting... for improved respiratory function and general well-being for depression. Chant and be happy!

And my book! Sound Possibilities: Restoring Balance and Harmony Through Sound and Music. I actually have been so busy with my recent move followed right up by the holidays, my 60th birthday, snowstorms and chest cold that I had actually forgotten about it until today. I have not worked on it since I have been in this house- time to dive back in!

I am feeling inspired and excited.

I am so grateful to Seth Godin, Winnie Kao and the tribe of bloggers I have connected with through #YourTurnChallenge for inspiring me to keep blogging every day and for being such an awesome support team. Thank you! 

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