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HELLO AND WELCOME- WE HAVE MOVED!!! Our new website, complete with blog and updated events, is located at: www.wholisticsound.com
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This site is a forum for the introduction and discussion of ideas regarding the use of vibration, frequency, sound and music as a non-invasive modality for healing on the physical plane as well as expanding consciousness and furthering our connection to the psychospiritual realms.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Tools for Transformation

Oh my heavens! The new year came zooming in whilst I was in throes of dealing with my son's post-surgery recovery followed swiftly by a scary fall when I arrived at my mother's house on New Years Eve day. She fell, not me. Literally within minutes of arriving at her house, bringing in our bags- she fell in front of the fireplace and hit her head, blood everywhere but Grace abounding... no concussion, broken bones or anything else... ambulance within minutes and she was patched up and sent home with 4 staples in her head. :-( Oh my poor mama! But as she has been quick to remind me every time I start to say that, how lucky she was!

I have been treating her quite consistently with tuning forks and lymphatic massage as her legs tend to swell up from arthritis and she has responded so well! Much less pain and edema seems to have disappeared for now. I will keep at it as long as I am here. ("Here" is Massachusetts.)

This is looking like the year my dreams come true. As soon as I get back to Florida I will be able to buy a harmonium which I have been wanting ever since I went to Kirtan Camp last summer. But the big news is that I am going to Holland to teach a sound healing course, March 10-11. Since I have never been to Europe before I am going to go for 3 weeks and I am so excited I can barely stand it. It was a huge plunge and I was so afraid to press the button to buy the ticket, but there was no good reason not to- and every good reason to do it! And once I did I became so excited that I am practically bursting at the seams.

I will be staying with dear friends who have a sound table and will be bringing Tibetan bowls and tuning forks with me. The workshop will be on Transformation Through Toning, Tuning Forks and Tibetan Bowls. They used to have a Course in Miracles retreat center in Toronto and I did a lot of sound healing work there in 2000 and 2002 so I am so looking forward to spending time reconnecting with them, doing lots of sound healing work and exploring Amsterdam!

In closing, here is a beautiful and empowering message by Lee Harris on the implications and possibilities of 2012. Take 20 minutes out of your busy day to soak this in. Enjoy.

Love, blessings and a beautiful 2012!

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