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This site is a forum for the introduction and discussion of ideas regarding the use of vibration, frequency, sound and music as a non-invasive modality for healing on the physical plane as well as expanding consciousness and furthering our connection to the psychospiritual realms.

Friday, February 11, 2011

2.11.2011 Synchronicity

Ahhh... good morning sound explorers! I sat down to write at least an hour ago but got sidetracked by so many wonderful things showing up in front of me including this amazing video of Australian didgeridoo and guitar. And I haven't even had my coffee yet!

Thinking this morning about synchronicity... my thinking on this being that as we operate, vibrate, move at a particular frequency we attract people and events that sympathetically resonate with our vibration. As a sound therapist I tend to think about this generally in terms of sound typically as it relates to musical frequencies and healing but yesterday I began exploring it in a larger way as it was a day of interesting synchronicities.

The first thing that happened... a close friend (I will call her Tina) who had been in a life-threatening car accident in the end of July, 2010 stopped by the center to talk. She had to have extensive plastic surgery as a result of her accident- basically the left side of her face reconstructed including her jaw and her nose- and has healed phenomenally well. Nonetheless, she is having to come to terms with looking in the mirror and seeing a different face than what she identifies as "hers", so this was the gist of our discussion. Is my identity the face I see in the mirror? ie. is my face/my personality who I really am? Or can I move into a deeper place and connect with my "real" identity? A quote from A Course in Miracles came to me during the session which I shared with her before she left:
"Spirit am I, a holy [Child]* of God,
Free of all limits, safe and healed and whole,
Free to forgive and free to save the world."
(Workbook, Lesson 97)
The Course uses the word "Son" here)

We had a good visit and before she left a client and friend came by for a session. (I will call her Cary) Tina was still at the center when she got there (Sound Body Wholistic Health Center, a sound healing center in St. Petersburg, FL). I was finishing up a couple of things so they had a few minutes to connect and basically chit chatted. Before Tina left I wrote the quote from A Course in Miracles down on a piece of paper for her. Meanwhile while the two of them were talking. Cary also happened to mention to Tina her connection to me through A Course in Miracles which I had totally forgotten about as it had been a year since I had last seen her.

After Tina left I gave Cary an energy balancing session with sound, and then we sat together and chatted for a bit. It wasn't long before the topic of A Course in Miracles came up and I shared with her a little bit about Tina's story and why I had shared the above quote with her. I told her a little bit about Tina's accident and surgery, and the whole topic about how we perceive ourselves and the challenge Tina was having moving through that. Cary exclaimed, "The exact same thing happened to me!" As it turns out, she too was in a terrible car accident 25 years ago and her face had to be totally reconstructed. But the change was so dramatic that literally no one recognized her. She said it took her ten years to get over it, to heal from it and then said, "So that's why we [she and Tina] connected! I wondered why we ran into each other here." We talked for a while longer and then she left, leaving her card so Tina could contact her.

After she left I felt a little tired from a pretty intense visit followed by the session and not eating enough. Another client was supposed to be coming in within minutes. She didn't show up so I called her and it turned out some stuff had come up and she had totally forgotten about her appointment. Under the circumstances it was fine. She is someone who has a lot of energy and consumes a lot of energy and I didn't really feel like I had much left. So I sat at my desk getting caught up on some work and suddenly the door opened and an old friend who I rarely see because she has been so busy with her own business walked in! I was so happy and surprised to see her. As it turned out she was coming in to pay for a workshop I am teaching in March. She has just closed her business so we had time to catch up and I was able to give her a short session on the sound table which I have been trying to do for her for years! The timing could not have been more perfect and it was a connection which boosted my energy rather than depleting it further.

So all of that being said, does this tie in with frequency, and if so, how? Personally I think it does. Tina has something she needs to heal. She drew to her, not by some magic or miracle, but simply by the vibration of her energy at this time, exactly the right person to help her through a piece of her journey. And if the day had gone as planned I would have missed my friend- AND been exhausted. But due to unforeseen circumstances, things shifted and my friend showed up at exactly the right moment rather than exactly the wrong moment!

I think part of this is also that I try to keep the energy at the center as clean and clear as possible. This allows whoever comes in to radiate- their energy is not muddied up by whatever else is going on, and that frequency draws in those with a sympathetic resonance. Thus Cary and Tina show up at the same time. Cheryl walks in at a time when I am most open to being available for her on every level.

Everything is vibration. Nada Brahma. The world is sound. Could you be the sound you want to hear in the world?

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